Hot take

Used to describe a controversial opinion.

My hot take is that pineapple belongs on pizza.

The phrase “hot take” originates from journalism and news broadcasting, with a traditional meaning of publishing strong opinions on current events. As social media platforms became more popular in the 2010s, the phrase was used on them to comment on more casual topics. For example, one may say that their “hot take” is that they think denim on denim looks great, or that they believe ketchup pairs well with macaroni and cheese. The phrase is often used to spark conversation or debate in the comment section of posts as a form of seeking attention or engagement.


NO JUDGMENT BTW all for people getting work done if that’ll help them be more confident and happy but i feel like it’s gotten SO normalized to the point where it makes me question why i haven’t gotten something done ?? idk curious to hear your thoughts!

♬ original sound - Rebecca Leigh